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Clyde Moss

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Clyde Moss Empty Clyde Moss

Post  Dominic Moss Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:47 pm

Name: Clyde Moss
Age: 13
God Parent: Persephone, Queen of the Underworld
Mortal Family: Amelia Moss (Adoptive Mother/Deceased) Harold Jonah (Adoptive Father) Dominic Moss (Adoptive Brother), Real Father Unknown
Years in Camp: 0
Brief History: Clyde Moss is the adoptive brother of Dominic and until today has never known this due to their mother always insisted that both of them were the sons of their father Apollo. The truth is that Clyde is a son of Persephone who befriended Amelia Moss and gave Clyde to her in order to hide him from her husband Hades, fearing what the god would do to him if he ever found out that she had been unfaithful. Clyde still remains ignorant of all of this, but if he ever finds out then odds are that he will fight against the Underworld as part of the Titan army in order to save his mother from Hades, and if Olympus has to fall in order to do this, so be it.
Clye Moss has yet to join the Titan Army, but plans have been set in motion to have him join. It all started when Dominic made an iris message to his brother which was hacked by the Titan Army. Upon hearing that he had a brother the titan army explored Clyde and began to delve into his origins until they found a link between Clyde and Persephone.
When the time is right the Titan Army will send monsters to attack Clyde in order to lure him to camp and force Persephone to claim her child due to the promise made on the river styx to claim all Demigods when they reached Camp.
After this the Titans will just sit back and watch as Hades rages from Persephones betrayl and hounds the young demigod with his own forces until Clyde is chased into the Titan armys clutches. They will promise him revenge against Hades and the release of his mother from the underworld, so long as he helps their cause.

Physical Appearance: Curly black hair and dark green eyes. Clyde isn't the most impressive godling due to being a bit short and looking rather timid, but when Clyde is angered the inner beast inside of him shows and this calm and seemingly harmless boy will turn into a hate filled hero slayer. He always carries a DS with him and wears an aviator jacket that he got for his birthday from his real mother over a baggy shirt and jeans.

Personality: Clyde might seem harmless and friendly at first, but that is because he has never had a reason to hate anyone. He is very close to his brother Dominic due to the experiences they have shared when being attacked by monsters, but unlike Dominic who eventually accepted that the monsters must have been imaginary, Clyde never stopped believing. He has gotten into a fair amounts of scraps with bullies who have made fun of him for this, and although he has lost many of the fights he has been in the ones he won have led to the bullies being hospitalised.

Fatal Flaw: Rage has always been Clydes flaw. As mentioned earlier, Clyde has never had a reason to hate someone, but if he learns the truth he will become consumed by rage and will take out his frustrations on the wrong people. This will blind his judgement and will land him in trouble that he cannot possibly get himself out of.

Talents: Clydes only talent is in playing video games constantly. These have been outlets for his pent up aggression, but when he learns the truth these games will suddenly become meaningless.

Weapons: An ancient greek sword named after the demon of curses; Arai. When the sword pierces its target it injects a seed into them which will sap at their strength until a flower sprouts from the wound.

Last edited by Dominic Moss on Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:30 pm; edited 3 times in total
Dominic Moss
Dominic Moss

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Clyde Moss Empty Re: Clyde Moss

Post  Kristina Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:32 pm

Since he has to be on titan side, I need to know why he went to the titan army
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Clyde Moss Empty Re: Clyde Moss

Post  Dominic Moss Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:46 pm

Dominic Moss
Dominic Moss

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Clyde Moss Empty Re: Clyde Moss

Post  Kristina Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:47 pm

A little but can you give more background to him?
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Clyde Moss Empty Re: Clyde Moss

Post  Dominic Moss Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:01 pm

Which area in his background would you like me to go into more detail?
Dominic Moss
Dominic Moss

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Clyde Moss Empty Re: Clyde Moss

Post  Kristina Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:33 pm

Everything if you can. mainly how he was at home and how he got the the titan army
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Clyde Moss Empty Re: Clyde Moss

Post  Dominic Moss Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:30 pm

Dominic Moss
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Clyde Moss Empty Re: Clyde Moss

Post  Kristina Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:36 pm

Skeptical about the whole him being at camp thing before he gets to the army because you will be rping both characters in the same place... let another admin look at that and see what they say
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Clyde Moss Empty Re: Clyde Moss

Post  Wes Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:11 pm

Yeah, I'm gonna have to give that a thumbs down. If he starts out in camp, the roleplaying there could go on for quite a while, and it'd have to be closely watched. Could you just jump forward some? You could say that he's just left camp and come to the Titan Army (including that story in past-tense) and then start roleplaying on his first day or something.
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Clyde Moss Empty Re: Clyde Moss

Post  Dominic Moss Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:11 pm

No thanks, sending Clyde to camp is kind of vital and I wanted the chance to play the story. Just scrap this and I'll stick with Dominic
Dominic Moss
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Clyde Moss Empty Re: Clyde Moss

Post  Fred Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:57 pm

you cam make a different person.

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Clyde Moss Empty Re: Clyde Moss

Post  Dominic Moss Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:07 pm

Nah, don't have any other ideas. Just leave it.
Dominic Moss
Dominic Moss

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