Half-Blood Vengeance
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Marcus Rayne

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Marcus Rayne Empty Marcus Rayne

Post  GeneralArin Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:23 pm

Name: Marcus Rayne
Age: 18
God Parent: Zeus
Mortal Family: None.
Years in Camp:CHB: 5, Titin Army: 5 (Full time, at least...)
Brief History: Marcus had attended Camp Half-Blood ever since he was very young. He seemed to love camp life and became good friends with most everyone there. He was(and is) a prodigy at fighting. So Camp was stunned when five years ago he left camp on a quest... and didn't come back. Camp mourned his loss, assuming the worse for their long-time friend.
But of course, he wasn't really dead. Instead, he left for the Titan's Army. Why? No one can be entirely sure. Perhaps he was convinced of their side as he left, or perhaps he never really liked camp; maybe he did it to protect someone close to him. One thing's for sure, though: Mark always has a plan.
Physical Appearance: Marcus has the imposing leader appearance of his father, with broad shoulders and fierce blue eyes. His straight hair is dark, nearly black and it's always cropped short. He is an average height for his age, but even if he doesn't tower over the rest, his appearance is something that makes people stop short. However, unlike his father, he dons no beard whatsoever.
Personality: Strategic and intelligent, Mark can solve almost every problem handed to him. He is also very thoughtful and often if you catch him alone he will be lost in thought. He has a relatively cool head and won't go off on people easily. Believe it or not, Marcus is actually partial to fighting. He would much rather confuse his opponents into giving up...it's much more fun that way. Oh, did I mention his sarcasm and sense of humor?
Fatal Flaw: Control Freak: Mark always has a plan. It's always a solid plan, too. Though for some reason, people don't believe him or seem to think their plan is better. That frustrates Mark to no end. He likes making plans and seeing them properly executed, and when a plan goes wrong... you better stand clear.
Talents: Fighting Prodigy. Strong control of lightning.
Weapons:Classic broadsword and shield. Nothing special at a glance, but his sword was crafted for him by the old Hephaestus Councilor, Mason, and he's held onto the finely crafted sword ever since.
Other: May or may not have a crush on Kris. Just saying.

RP Supervisor/SoldierA

Posts : 2791
Drachmae : 6263
Join date : 2009-05-29
Age : 29
Location : In my own little world....it's okay: they know me there.

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Olympian Parent: Hephaestus
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Marcus Rayne Empty Re: Marcus Rayne

Post  Kristina Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:33 pm

If you want my opinion, I think he left to protect someone close to him... but that's just me and my side plot story making.
RP Supervisor

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Join date : 2009-06-15
Age : 30

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Olympian Parent: Posieden
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Marcus Rayne Empty Re: Marcus Rayne

Post  GeneralArin Tue Jan 24, 2012 11:03 pm

I totally have to Pm you my idea about that. XD
RP Supervisor/SoldierA

Posts : 2791
Drachmae : 6263
Join date : 2009-05-29
Age : 29
Location : In my own little world....it's okay: they know me there.

Character sheet
Olympian Parent: Hephaestus
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