Half-Blood Vengeance
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Felix Clancy

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Felix Clancy Empty Felix Clancy

Post  Felix Clancy Sun May 03, 2015 2:46 pm

Name: Felix George Clancy

Age: 14

God Parent: Dionysus

Mortal Family: Thomas Clancy (adopted father), Jenna Clancy (adopted mother), Hannah Solomon (aunt), Finnegan Solomon (uncle), Lara  Solomon (cousin)

Years in Camp: He's on his first year, he's only been here for about a month.

History: No one knows Felix's birth parents. He was just dropped off at the hospital with the name tag "Felix". He was adopted by Jenna and Thomas Clancy, who made his full name Felix George Clancy. He was just a little baby, two months old, when he was adopted. When he was younger, he never really cared about his adoption, and as he got older, he still didn't care because he thought Jenna and Thomas were his real parents, the ones who raised him, and his birth parents didn't really matter. Felix was raised in Salisbury, England, in a normal-sized house. Jenna owned a bookstore and Thomas was a teacher. Felix loved his parents, sure they were a bit overprotective, but at least they loved him. Felix grew up watching superhero movies with Thomas and collecting frogs with Jenna (she loved frogs). He struggled a bit in school, he made friends, but he was bad at the test-taking and studying parts. The first thirteen years of his life went by in a mindless, happy blur, until his thirteenth birthday. Jenna's brother in law, Finn had died, and his aunt, Hannah and her daughter were heartbroken. To help her sister, Jenna insisted that they live in Brooklyn, New York, at her big sister's apartment. Felix was angry that he would have to move, but Jenna made it clear that it wasn't his choice. Aunt Hannah was nice, and Lara was mostly agreeable, except for her playing her music loud when Felix wanted to sleep, and using all the hot water before Felix showered. He joined the school newspaper. On day, he interviewed the star basketball player, Chase Green. Chase seemed more interested in Felix than basketball, and they became friends. A few months later, Chase was in a fight. Chase was a tough guy, but they were two football players, it was clear Chase was not going to win. So, Felix was about to jump in, but something strange happened. A vine popped out of the ground, tripping them so Chase could run away. Felix was dazed and confused, but Chase was really happy. He told Chase he was a satyr, and he told him all about demigods. Chase wanted to leave right away, but Felix insisted he say goodbye to his family. They argued in the park where Chase had gotten in the fight for about half an hour, and, after Chase got a bloody nose and Felix was pushed into a sandbox, Chase finally agreed. Felix told his parents all about Camp Half-Blood. They didn't believe him at first. After Chase was pushed into the apartment (Chase had been so angry about his bloody nose that he had refused to come inside) and he showed them his goat hooves and horns, they were convinced. Jenna and Thomas, after crying, hugged him and wished him luck. Felix promised to Iris Message (Chase had told him about it) and use regular snail mail. Using his old car, Chase drove Felix to Camp Half-Blood. He stayed in the Hermes Cabin for two days before he was claimed by Dionysus.

Physical Appearance: Felix is the normal height for his age. He's not buff or scrawny- he's just normal looking. He has green eyes, and he wears glasses. He's almost always seen with a pimple on the bridge of his nose, which annoys him because when it bumps against his glasses it hurts. Felix has light brown hair that hasn't been cut in a while, and is slicked back by gel. He has fair skin. He normally wears a Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and jeans. He is never seen without his camera.

Personality: Felix talks a lot. He likes making friends, and isn't afraid to start a conversation. Felix is bold and reckless, he rarely makes a thinks before stuff- at breakfast when Jenna would ask him what he wanted for dinner his head would hurt. He just jumps into things without thinking about the consequences. Felix is confident, to the point where he actually sometimes starts strutting, and if you don't like them, he immediately thinks you're a stupid jerk. When he feels something, he feels it hard, so when you make him angry or sad, expect a fist in your face.

Fatal Flaw: Felix is impulsive and rarely thinks out things. One day, he might think he's doing something heroic and important and is actually doing something stupid that might get himself, and others, killed. (I know this is short but I can’t think of anything else)

Talents: Felix is good at photography and writing, though he favors photography.

Weapons: Two celestial bronze daggers

Other: he loves animals, his favorite superhero is Thor, his favorite movie is Captain America: The Winter Soldier, he hates board games, and boring books. His favorite writer is Suzanne Collins. He loves all animals.

Last edited by Felix Clancy on Sun May 03, 2015 4:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

Felix Clancy

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Join date : 2015-05-03

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Felix Clancy Empty Re: Felix Clancy

Post  Cerulaen Sun May 03, 2015 4:03 pm

This is possibly the first app I've seen in over a year that has pretty much nothing wrong with it on the first go. Like, seriously, this is just so nice. o.o Kudos, dude. I think the only thing I can think of to comment is wondering if he ever let his parents know where he was everything and how that turned out, since otherwise he just disappeared, when it seems like he has a rather good relationship with his parents.

I can just not get over how on-par the rest of this app is.

Anyways, just fix that and I'll say approved, then just wait for one more person to comment on/approve it.
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Felix Clancy Empty Re: Felix Clancy

Post  Felix Clancy Sun May 03, 2015 4:24 pm

thanks, and I edited it.

Felix Clancy

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Felix Clancy Empty Re: Felix Clancy

Post  Cerulaen Sun May 03, 2015 10:12 pm

Okay looks good. Just wait for someone else to approve it and you'll be good.
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Felix Clancy Empty Re: Felix Clancy

Post  Axel The Bunny Mon May 04, 2015 11:35 am

Axel The Bunny
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