Half-Blood Vengeance
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Lydia Cabarello

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Lydia Cabarello Empty Lydia Cabarello

Post  Lydia Cabarello Mon Apr 21, 2014 1:04 am

Name: Lydia Cabarello

Age: 11

God Parent: Nyx

Mortal Family: Shaun (father), Julie Cabarello (adopted mother), Robert Cabarello (adopted father)

Years in Camp: None

History: When she was only a few months old, Lydia was taken away from her biological father. He was mentally unstable, and unable to care for a newborn. So, she never knew either of her parents. The only thing she knows about him is that his first name was Shaun. She was raised by two kindhearted mortals named Julie and Robert Cabarello. Despite her nearly perfect home life, her time at school was horrible. She was bullied for her poor grades social awkwardness, and for being born a mute. Fortunately for her, it was only verbal bullying. She was getting guitar and drumming lessons everyday after school. She never really got guitar, but picked up on drums easily. When she was 9, she noticed someone getting physically bullied by a few highschoolers (it was a private scool, and elementary, middle, and high schools were together). She recognized him as the kid who defended her once. Determined to repay the debt, she got in between him and his bullies. Turns out they were a few cyclops, hoping to get an easy meal. She had no idea what to do, so she ran, with the kid right behind her. They eventually lost each other. She spent a few days on her own, in the woods. On the 7th day, she ran into some other demigods. Jared (a 16 year old son of Hephaestus), Ever (a 12 year old daughter of Hecate), and Jess (a 14 year old son of Nemesis). They had apparently each run away from a place called Camp Half-Blood, except for Jared who ran away from the Titan army. None of them worked well with anyone else except for each other, and caused many issues with others. They immediately recognized her as a demigod, and took her under their wing, protecting her from monsters. They weren't really sure what god or goddess was her parent. Jess taught her hand to hand combat. He was slightly brutal, and only put on fingerless gloves that were made of celestial bronze (thin enough to easily bend) when fighting monsters. Ever, being a daughter of Hecate and posessing abilities over the Mist, taught her to control it, which eventually she grew very talented with. Jared rarely spoke, so she naturally thought that she did something wrong. One day when Jess and Ever went out to the nearest town to get new clothes, food, and other necessities, Jared offered to teach her about two-sword fencing. She agreed, and it was surprisingly really fun! He was pretty good at making weapons, so he made her two rapiers. His two were magic and could shrink down into two leather bracelets. Just as he was teaching her a cool defense move, a chimera jumped out from the bushes. It immediately went after Jared, due to him smelling better or more powerful than her. She stupidly jumped in front of it, and distracted it from Jared. As the monster attacked her (or tried to, as she was too fast for it), Jared stabbed it from behind. After that, a bond grew between them, that could only be explained as best friends, although it was slightly an understatement. On her 10th birthday, Ever went to go get her a "surprise" cake (Jess, being a terrible secret keeper told her about it). Chocolate with buttercream icing, her favorite kind. As they were around their campfire, telling stories and joking around, they heard a growl. Immediately, they formed their battle positions. Jared and Jess in the front, Ever and Lydia gaurding their backs. The monsters came from every direction. Ever barely had time to hide Lydia before everything went downhill. She tried to manipulate the Mist to hide herself, just as more of a comfort than actually doing anything. After a while, she heard heavy footsteps walk away. They had gone. She peeked out of her hiding place. Her friends were dead. She knew it must have been strange, but before burying them, she took something to help her remember each of them by. Ever's locket that had each of their pictures inside of it, Jared's two fencing swords, and Jess's dark purple hoodie that they used to tease him lightheartedly about. With that, she buried them, and set off. About a couple years later, after searching almost all of America, she found her way to Camp Half Blood. She had changed in that time period though. She would no longer speak, and she always has a serious look on her face that held emotions and experience that was way beyond her years.

Physical Appearance: Lydia has jet black hair that covers one eye, and goes down just past her shoulder. Her skin is very pale, looking like she hadn't been out on the sun for a long time. She has sharp, calculating, icy blue-grey eyes. She always looks very solemn and serious. She is 4'6 tall. She has a decent amount of muscles for someone of her age, however looks more built for speed and agility. She generally dresses in a way to direct attention away from herself; she normally wears high top converse, plain jeans, a simple black t-shirt, and the same dark purple hoodie she always wears. She always has her own two celestial bronze rapiers in sheaths on each side of her waist, a leather bracelet on each wrist, and a pretty gold locket.

Personality: Lydia is very antisocial and always keeps to herself. The only time she communicates with others is when she is directly spoken to. When she is around others, she always tries to escape, and is much more comfortable with a one-on-one conversation. If she does like you, which doesnt happen often, then she'll be very protective and loyal. If she doesn't, she would have no problem turning the other direction if you're in over your head. She will be friendly to most people unless they really get on her nerves, so it's not really possible to tell whether she likes you or is just being nice. She's pretty sharp, and can easily act her way out of a tough situation. Even though she can be very helpful, she generally isn't by choice. Because of this, her allegiance usually remains unclear. The only reason she stays at camp is because it's safe, and she figures it would be easy to slip away if fighting occured. She's really only like this because she's afraid of losing more people she cares about. She thinks its better to feel nothing than to feel pain.

Fatal Flaw: Lydia never gives anyone a reason to like her very much. She's too afraid to, so she's very cold towards many people. This could be fatal, because if she's in over her head, some people may not have any issue turning the other way as she would as well. So I guess her flaw is coldness towards other people.

Talents: Lydia can play the drums, and it's one of the only things she truly loves doing. She's a very fast learner, including observing people's fighting strategy.

Weapons: She can see perfectly in the dark. She can also melt into the shadows, however if she stays in there for too long, her life force slowly ebbs away. She has two celestial bronze rapiers in sheaths on either side of her, and two other rapiers that turn into leather bracelets.

Other: Lydia was born a mute. She communicates by a mix of signing with her hands (not sign language, she just points at things and waves her hands around in what she hopes is understandable signals. She knows it, but she doesn't know very many people that do), mouthing the words she's trying to get across, and writing things down (in greek, of course. Since she's dyslexic and hardwired for greek). She dreams of being the drummist for a rock band. Her birthday is May 17th

Last edited by Lydia Cabarello on Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:35 pm; edited 2 times in total

Lydia Cabarello

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Join date : 2014-04-21
Age : 22
Location : With my cats.... (I don't have any) -_-

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Lydia Cabarello Empty Re: Lydia Cabarello

Post  GeneralArin Mon Apr 21, 2014 3:38 pm

Mute character sounds pretty interesting. Though, I'm concerned about the lack of sign language. That's rather important...is your character mute by choice (rather, just doesn't like to talk or vow of silence sort of thing) or is she physically unable to talk? 

Okay, "Fencing swords". 
Clarification please: do you mean a "Foil", the antenna-looking "sword" used in the sport of fencing, or do you mean a "rapier", a thin sword made for stabbing (though able to slash) that was used for dueling. Because the former is not a very effective weapon, since it's for a sport and rather dull. It also has no cutting edge. A rapier, on the other hand, is an actual weapon, specialized for stabbing attacks, has a small cutting edge and an actual blade, and is usually the weapon that a "swashbuckler" possesses. (That or the saber, which is similar to the rapier, only curved, heavier, and made for slashing.)

I'm going to shoot down the shadow-jumps, and the sucking the light out of places. Seeing through the dark is cool.
RP Supervisor/SoldierA

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Lydia Cabarello Empty Re: Lydia Cabarello

Post  Lydia Cabarello Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:13 pm

Okay, I fixed everything you told me to Smile
Unless I missed something by accident ._.

Lydia Cabarello

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Drachmae : 17
Join date : 2014-04-21
Age : 22
Location : With my cats.... (I don't have any) -_-

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Lydia Cabarello Empty Re: Lydia Cabarello

Post  Cerulaen Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:17 pm

Just about everything looks good, I just have a few things I'd like to address in the History. I was a bit skeptical about your character having powers, being a good fighter, and being able to control the Mist, but since she has a rather large handicap, I'll give it to you so long as none of the other staff has a problem with it. And don't overdo it!

Next thing, you mention that a son of Hades made your character's rapiers. That might be okay by itself, but you said he was able to make them magically transform and whatnot. Even though this kid isn't your MC, I'm pretty sure imbuing weapons with magical properties is a talent left solely for the Hephaestus kids. So I would change that around a bit to make more sense.

I suppose this really doesn't matter, but I don't see how Celestial bronze gloves could protect a kid from monsters... As a very wise wizard pointed out once, "If you're close enough to hit it, it's close enough to hit *you.*" Just a comment of mainly unimportance.

Your Fatal Flaw looks fine, but I think it'd be better to some it up with a personality trait at the beginning. Y'know, their flaw is "Independence," "Stubbornness," "Selfishness," etc.

After that, you should be good to go.
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Lydia Cabarello Empty Re: Lydia Cabarello

Post  Lydia Cabarello Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:36 pm

Alright! I fixed it!! Smile

Lydia Cabarello

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Age : 22
Location : With my cats.... (I don't have any) -_-

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Lydia Cabarello Empty Re: Lydia Cabarello

Post  Cerulaen Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:22 pm

Looks good. Approved.
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Lydia Cabarello Empty Re: Lydia Cabarello

Post  GeneralArin Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:43 pm

Approved. Welcome to the site.
RP Supervisor/SoldierA

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Lydia Cabarello Empty Re: Lydia Cabarello

Post  Lydia Cabarello Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:11 pm

Very Happy yayy!!

Lydia Cabarello

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Age : 22
Location : With my cats.... (I don't have any) -_-

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